"RuntimeException: native typeface cannot be made" when loading font "RuntimeException: native typeface cannot be made" when loading font android android

"RuntimeException: native typeface cannot be made" when loading font

Android does not support OpenType (OTF), only TrueType (TTF), so your Molot.otf font probably will not work. I wrote both of those blog posts you link to in your opening sentence (the one is a pirated copy of the other), and they do not use Molot.otf.

(BTW, I somewhat repaired the formatting of that post -- AndroidGuys keeps changing WordPress hosts, and so my older posts are terribly broken in terms of formatting).

EDIT: As stated in the comments, Android DOES now support OTF.

I also get the same error and I have solution follow.

Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Molot.otf")

you must put fonts/Molot.otf in assets/fonts folder in your Eclipse.

after you can Run it.

if you can not Run it successfull you can send proplem via

Unfortunately, the typeface cannot be made error is not very specific, and it can be the result of many things going wrong. It's important to check for two things:

  • The first and most important: The file is found!
  • The font is valid in your device.

The best way is to change your font file for a known valid font file.
If it fails, then it's the first problem.
If not, it's the second, so you will have to deal with FontForge or look for another font.