"SDK Platform Tools component is missing!" "SDK Platform Tools component is missing!" android android

"SDK Platform Tools component is missing!"

OK, here is what I did to fix the problem:

Open Eclipse. Then:  Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager   > Available Packages:      > Android Repository:       + Android SDK Tools, revision 8       + Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 1[Install Selected]

The downloaded sdk software does not contain sdk platform tools.

For this, using cmd go to "C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools" directory and then type the following command to download those missing tools:

android.bat update sdk --no-ui 

Then type y to accept all the licenses in cmd. Downloading will start in cmd itself.

Installing Android SDKs is done via the "Android SDK and AVD Manager"... there's a shortcut on Eclipse's "Window" menu, or you can run the .exe from the root of your existing Android SDK installation.

Yes I think installing the 2.3 SDK will fix your problem... you can install older SDKs at the same time. The important thing is that the structure of the SDK changed in 2.3 with some tools (such as ADB) moving from sdkroot\tools to sdkroot\platform-tools. Quite possibly the very latest ADT plugin isn't massively backwards-compatible re that change.