SERVER_ERROR: [code] 1675030 [message]: Error performing query SERVER_ERROR: [code] 1675030 [message]: Error performing query android android

SERVER_ERROR: [code] 1675030 [message]: Error performing query

I find the solution, this happends when you don't have evaluate users in your app .

Enter in your panel AppSelect Rol

enter image description here

And add test users , when your try to login with test users , the application executes without fails

enter image description here

Documentation on facebook is not correct. I had to add all 3 default permissions to make it work.

loginButton.setReadPermissions("email", "public_profile", "user_friends");

@Danial answer correct, But I want to add some more in that. This types of error comes only when app your in under development. Follow this link and select your App. Then you can do two things here. From Roles tab you can allow login to your friends only or else select the App Review and make your app public then any one can able to logged in.