Set transparent background of an imageview on Android Set transparent background of an imageview on Android android android

Set transparent background of an imageview on Android

You can set the background transparent of any layout, any view, or any component by adding this code in XML:


In your XML set the Background attribute to any colour, White(#FFFFFF) shade or Black(#000000) shade. If you want transparency, just put 80 before the actual hash code:


This will change any colour you want to a transparent one.. :)

In addition to what Harshad mentioned:

Two hexadecimal characters can be appended to any hexadecimal color code. The first two characters in an 8-digit hex color code represents its opacity in Android.

The two hexadecimal characters can range from 00 to FF. For example,

  • Normal opaque black hex- "#000000"
  • Fully transparent - "#00000000"
  • Fully opaque - "#FF000000"
  • 50% transparent - "#7F000000"

This way you can change any color to any level of transparency.

To find the hexadecimal prefix from a percentage:

Divide the percentage number by 100 and multiply by 255 to get the decimal value. Convert the decimal to hexadecimal here.

For example, for 50%, 50/100 * 255 = 127. Using the link we get hexadecimal value 7F.

Source: Android: how to create a transparent or opaque background