Should full backup content xml file be empty or not added at all to include all? Should full backup content xml file be empty or not added at all to include all? android android

Should full backup content xml file be empty or not added at all to include all?

Fast Solution:


<application    android:allowBackup="true"    android:fullBackupContent="true"    ...    ...    ...</application>

For more details see:

If you want to silence the warnings, but don't need to exclude any files from the backup, you could also just add tools:ignore="AllowBackup" to the application tag in your AndroidManifest.xml to suppress the warning (or use the Suppress button that you get when viewing the warning details).

I also struggled the same question and couldn't find an answer. So for backup all, I tried making a backup.xml file like that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>   <full-backup-content>   </full-backup-content>

and it works fine.

EDIT 06/04/21

Just got an official answer from Google IssueTracker:

The answer to your question appears at the beginning of the section titled Include and exclude files: "By default, the system backs up almost all app data".In order to back up all supported data, don't include android:fullBackupContent in your manifest file.