Some file crunching failed, see logs for details Some file crunching failed, see logs for details android android

Some file crunching failed, see logs for details

You can try to add this to your app build.gradle file

 android {    aaptOptions {                  cruncherEnabled = false              }         }

I ran into this problem in the past and did just back the version down. Today when I upgraded to AS 2.0, I got the same problem with the images. I did have to hunt down the offending images (there were 2 in my case) and had my designer re-export them.

Here's how I diagnosed (I'm on a mac FYI):

./gradlew :app:mergeIntegrationDebugResources --debug > buildLog.txt

Once that finished, I opened up the buildLog.txt file, and searched for "Error" (no quotes in actual search). I saw which file was having problems, and then removed it from the appropriate folder, and then re-ran the command above until I didn't get any errors.

I then sent the files that were having problems to my designer and had them re-exported.

Hope this helps!

I've ran into this issue a couple times. The issue I've found is that an asset is either corrupted or has the wrong file extension. In my case it's usually a corrupted image I'd get from the art department. Once I removed the offending file, everything would compile and run just fine.

Basically what's happening is that Android is trying to compress and format the assets and resources, but if one of them is corrupted then it fails.

So try removing any recently added assets or resources.