Testing Google Play Install Referrer Library Testing Google Play Install Referrer Library android android

Testing Google Play Install Referrer Library

There's one old hack to test this.


  1. Start Google Play on the device using campaign link, for example, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.test.test_project&referrer=utm_source%3Dtest_source%26utm_medium%3Dtest_medium%26utm_term%3Dtest-term%26utm_content%3Dtest_content%26utm_campaign%3Dtest_name(You can use google play generator: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v3/campaigns#google-play-url-builder)


  3. Install your test build using adb. adb install -r app-debug.apk

Google Play will be returning your test campaign now.

This is the summary of my test:

  1. old broadcast way can test.But it's deprecated and not support for now
  2. U can test install referrer lib set up by use adb,and you will get utm_source=google-play&utm_medium=organic just like download form Google Play directly.But we can't get more info, it's can only test your library settings is correct
  3. https://stackoverflow.com/a/60342463/12716149 by @Quickern.To be honest, it works follow these tips
  4. Use Beta test provided by Google Play: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49750758/12716149.Without a doubt, it works
  5. Use emulator:https://stackoverflow.com/a/59744213/12716149 @Marilia. I didn't test this, because emulator with Google Play Store is just like a real device.And the answer said the condition is upload app to Google Play store,so I think it's just like article 4

I was able to test the Play Install Referrer Library using the emulator. Uninstalling the app and running it again would start a connection and give me the expected responseCode in onInstallReferrerSetupFinished.