The key must be an application-specific resource id The key must be an application-specific resource id android android

The key must be an application-specific resource id

The reason you're not able to use setTag(int, Object) is because android require a pre-compiled unique id in the 'int' argument.

Try creating two unique entry in String.xml xml say, "firstname" & "secondname" & use them as below

imageView.setTag(R.string.firstname, "Abhishek");imageView.setTag(R.string.lastname, "Gondalia");

I'm a little late to the party but I stumbled on this problem myself today and thought I'd give an answer as well. This answer will be a bit of a compilation of the other answers, but with a twist. First of all, the id, as has been pointed out by others, can NOT be a constant defined in your code (such as private static final int MYID = 123) or any other int that you define as a field somewhere.

The id has to be a precompiled unique id, just like the ones you get for strings that you put in values/strings.xml (ie R.string.mystring). Refer to and for more information.

My suggestion is that you create a new file called values/tags.xml and write:

    <resources xmlns:android="">      <item name="TAG_ONLINE_ID" type="id"/>    </resources>

I think it's better to create a separate file instead of putting it in strings.xml as EtienneSky suggested.


If you just have 1 setTag in your class, you could use any int, maybe static final declared in the top.

The problem comes when you had 2 or more setTag's with different keys.I mean:

public static final int KEY_1 = 1;public static final int KEY_2 = 2;...setTag(KEY_1)setTag(KEY_2)...

That scenario is wrong. You then need to add a value file called maybe ids.xml with the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><resources>    <item type="id" name="resourceDrawable" />    <item type="id" name="imageURI" /></resources>

Then, in your class, call:

 ... setTag(, KEY_1) setTag(, KEY_2) ...