Trouble connecting to LG phone with adb (Mac OS X 10.7.5) Trouble connecting to LG phone with adb (Mac OS X 10.7.5) android android

Trouble connecting to LG phone with adb (Mac OS X 10.7.5)

I tried all of the connection types (charge, MTP, PTP) but perhaps not "Internet Connnection, modem"? You can change it by pulling down the system-wide drop down menu and touching "USB connection".

This is how I fixed it, but I thought I'd tried this already, so I can't guarantee it wasn't this in conjunction with one of the things done above.

PTP seemed to do the trick. Never had to do that on any other device...

I had the exact same problem. Selectin Internet Connection and then Ethernet as the USB connection type fixed it and everything is working as expected now.