Type Android Junit4 not present exception Type Android Junit4 not present exception android android

Type Android Junit4 not present exception

This is caused by Android Studio trying to execute an instrumentation test as a JUnit test.

I had to go to 'Edit Configurations...' and delete the configuration from Android JUnit group and manually add to the 'Android Instrumented Tests' group. After this I had no problem executing the tests.

In Android Studio, click Run > Edit Configurations.


Writing steps if someone facing issue while edit configuration for above @Bohsen's answer

  1. In Android Studio, click Run > Edit Configurations (or press alt + shift + f10 if on Windows) to open the configuration editor.
  2. The left panel of the window shows configurations and their groups.
    • Android JUnit group
    • Android instrumented tests

If your test is an instrumentation test, delete it from any JUnit tests groups.

If your test is a JUnit test, delete it from any instrumentation test groups.

For example, my test (DBTest.kt) was appearing in both Android JUnit and Instrumented group's section. So I deleted from JUnit group and ran it again, it was working fine.

Hopefully someone can give you a better answer as to why, but I had this exact same problem. I did the following:

  • Build > Clean Project,
  • Ran the app on the emulator

This done, I was able to get back into a state where I could run the tests again.