Unable to execute dex: Java heap space Java heap space Unable to execute dex: Java heap space Java heap space android android

Unable to execute dex: Java heap space Java heap space

The accepted solution to this post worked for me:Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space

The gist is: Keep increasing the Xms and Xmx values until it either works or you run out of physical memory.


You said

I also increased the -Xms200m to -Xmx512m

-Xms200m and -Xmx512m are two different things. Maybe you wanted to say

from -Xms200m to -Xms512m


from -Xmx200m to -Xmx512m

Change -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.5 to


if your eclipse project is using java compiler 1.6. I just solved this problem.