Unable to remove an in-app subscription from my google play developer console [closed] Unable to remove an in-app subscription from my google play developer console [closed] android android

Unable to remove an in-app subscription from my google play developer console [closed]

This is a workaround from the dev pages.

Important: To change the price of a subscription, you can publish a new subscription product ID at a new price, then offer it in your app instead of the original product. Users who have already purchased will continue to be charged at the original price, but new users will be charged at the new price.


As people, including myself are still looking at this old question, here's my answer.

At first I agreed that not being able to unpublish or remove my app's available subscriptions from the Store, as is still the case in 2020, is a problem. However, although it seems not great, in fact it's no problem at all.

The list of subscriptions isn't loaded from the Store, but from the app's "own" server. Simply preventing a subscription from being included in the list, from your own server, of current subscriptions prevents new users being able to sign up.

A possible work around would be to completely unpublish your app and publish the app as new with a new store listing etc