Use custom font from res/font with WebView in Android Use custom font from res/font with WebView in Android android android

Use custom font from res/font with WebView in Android

Just tried and this works similarly to loading fonts from assets, you just need to change the base url to point to resources instead.

Example HTML

<html><head>    <style>        @font-face {            font-family: 'CustomFont';            src: url('font/CustomFont.ttf');        }        #font {            font-family: 'CustomFont';        }    </style></head><body>    <p>No Font</p>    <br />    <p id="font">Font</p></body>

load this HTML into the webview using Webview#loadDataWithBaseURL(String, String, String, String, String), using file://android_res/ as the base url (first param)


webview.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_res/", html, "text/html", "utf-8", null)


If you're using proguard on your release builds you'll need to add extra rules to prevent the R class being renamed during the ProGuard process otherwise the WebView won't be able to find the font resource. Details can be found at this post

I managed to load my local font from res/font directory. In my example i want to load italic opensans.

My setup are as follow:

  1. css file inside assets directory
  2. use this for setting the font-face
    @font-face {      font-family: 'opensans';      src: url("file:///android_res/font/opensans_italic.ttf")    }    body {      font-family: 'opensans';      font-weight: 400;    }
  1. Load the WebView using loadDataWithBaseUrl, for example:

    webView.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, yourHtmlContent, "text/html", "utf-8", null)

    But i have this at the the top of my html content:"<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='file:///android_asset/mycss.css' />”

    I hope it works too for your case.


Add this in your proguard config to make it work in release mode.

-keep class$font { *; }

You can use the custom res font like this -

<head><style type="text/css">    @font-face {        font-family: MyFont;        src: url("file:///res/font/myfont.ttf")    }    body {        font-family: MyFont;    }</style>