Use Unicode characters in strings.xml Use Unicode characters in strings.xml android android

Use Unicode characters in strings.xml


<string name="Example">Example character \u0026</string>

See more unicode characters here:

if you go Unicode site : and click at this Unicode that says U+00AE you mustn't write the + symbol if you want copy paste this example at strings.xml:) :) :)

<string name="example">"\u00AE"</string>

Few important Unicode symbols for android strings.xml

<string name=”Rs”>\u20B9</string><string name=”filled_bullet”>\u25CF</string><string name=”linear_bullet”>\u25CB</string><string name=”rect_bullet”>\u25A0</string><string name=”blank_rect”>\u25A1</string><string name=”true_tick”>\u2713</string><string name=”star”>\u2605</string>

Full link is here