Using Activities from Library projects Using Activities from Library projects android android

Using Activities from Library projects


Issue 9656: Library projects don't support custom XML attributes for custom classes


Upgrade to latest SDK & ADT version (fixed was released since r17) and use as custom attributes' namespace URI, see Revisions for ADT 17.0.0:

Added support for custom views with custom attributes in libraries. Layouts using custom attributes must use the namespace URI instead of the URI that includes the app package name. This URI is replaced with the app specific one at build time.

Related Topic:

Help with a custom View attributes inside a Android Library Project

not sure how you use the android library , but i've done this thing a lot of times without any problems , so please have a reading of the next things regarding using android libraries:

  1. in order for an android project to use an android library project , you can either edit the "" and add the path to the library project there , or , much easier, right click the project (that uses the library project) , choose "android" category , and choose there "add" and choose the library project.

  2. in order to make the android project to always open the android library project , also choose "java build path"->"projects" and choose the library project.

  3. on the "" , try to set the target to the same target for both projects , and to the newest one that you have (latest now is 15) ,even if you can't test the app on this android version .

  4. source files and all resources files (in the res folder) are ok to be used on the library projects.

  5. assets folders cannot be used inside the library project . only on the android project that actually runs , the assets folder can be used . same thing goes to the proguard file .

  6. the manifest of the library projects almost doesn't need to have almost anything . see this post for more information: . if there are activities on the library project that you wish to be able to access via the project that use it , don't forget to include them in the manifest of the android project (no need to write them in the manifest of the android library) .

  7. remember to run lint before you export the app . it gives you plenty of warnings , but the most important warning is when you use too-new functions that cannot run on the range of APIs that you target . this is important for libraries since it's easy to get lost if there are multiple sources .

  8. if you wish to extend activities on the android library , you need some kind of a method to go between them . the only way i know of is to extend the application and let it be the manager of how to create an intent for each of the activities . i think you can do other tricks , but they are all probably similar to this one.

  9. if you have the same resource (any resource on the "res" folder) on both the android library and the android project, the one on the android project will replace the other one . this has advantages and disadvantages . remember that you can't have different file extensions for the same resource .

The problem was being caused by the R files from each of the Library projects not correctly being built and referenced. The resource files are built and referenced directly from the calling project.

Each of the Libraries need to have unique package as defined in the AndroidManifest.xml. This leads to each of it's resources being compiled in that unique namespace within the calling project alongside the Library jar which contains the class files.

The <code>R</code> files located in situation

The problem becomes intermittent when switching between a library and a runnable project because a clean and build needs to take place to regenerate these files as it isn't done automagically when unclicking the Use as library checkbox, where as the jar (and java classes) don't require as much coaxing for them to be correctly referenced as the library projects references them when acting as a Library.

This can lead to intermittent and also varying errors including missing references, DexOp and NullPointerExceptions depending on to what degree the files have been mangled or partially built and what conflicts are taking places between packages.