Using Dependency Injection with Roboguice? Using Dependency Injection with Roboguice? android android

Using Dependency Injection with Roboguice?

The Android platform provides a common set of design patterns, and with the limited hardware resources you get compared to Web-apps it is still often best to stick with using these directly in production code. There are other frameworks that sort of "wrap" the base platform; these are worth looking into if you have a specific purpose (or perhaps for prototyping/experimenting), but for the best level of support you are generally best sticking with the standard components.

This is a great resource when working on UI solutions:

Specifically for DI: There is a Spring framework for Android, I've had a play with it and it looks quite promising. You've already mentioned Roboguice as another alternative to this. However, to avoid performance and library overhead, I still find the easiest approach is to write a simple reflection-based class that registers and injects dependencies within my own code. Similar to this approach, except I usually move the injection code into a separate singleton and reference it from there.

In my experience most of the third-party offerings are not yet mature enough to rely on right now, and don't really give you much on top of what the base platform provides. They are constantly progressing, however, so be sure to experiment with the big names from time-to-time.