Using drawable resources Using drawable resources android android

Using drawable resources

To avoid error: Binary XML file line #XXX: requires a valid src attribute

inside a layer-list, use:

<item android:drawable="@drawable/image" />

instead of:

<item>  <bitmap android:src="@drawable/image"/></item>

You cant have an xml drawable as source for bitmap. Because for example if it was possible, then it could mistakenly create a black-hole by calling xml to itself.

Lets suppose, you have an xml drawable A which has a bitmap whos source is drawable B. But in drawable B, it has a bitmap whos source is drawable A. This will create a circular loop which cant be resolved. That is why you need to provide an image as a source for bitmap to avoid any confusion

Minimum SDK: API 23


In the following code I have a vector as a background as the first item and in the second item centered logo with a custom size above the background.

<layer-list    xmlns:tools=""    xmlns:android="">    <item        android:drawable="@drawable/background_in_svg_1">    </item>    <item        android:width="200dp"        android:height="60dp"        android:gravity="center_vertical|center_horizontal"        android:drawable="@drawable/logo_in_svg_2"/></layer-list>

Note: The cumulative distribution as of today from API 23 is 84.9%. So you might consider an alternative for lower APIs

