Using multiple text colors in Android's textview [ Html.fromhtml() ] [duplicate] Using multiple text colors in Android's textview [ Html.fromhtml() ] [duplicate] android android

Using multiple text colors in Android's textview [ Html.fromhtml() ] [duplicate]

textview.setText(Html.fromHtml("<i><small><font color=\"#c5c5c5\">" + "Competitor ID: " + "</font></small></i>" + "<font color=\"#47a842\">" + compID + "</font>"));

Try the above.

Try using one of these grey hex code values instead.

gray1 #030303   gray2 #050505  gray3 #080808     gray4 #0A0A0A   gray5 #0D0D0D 

. Also try to control the text color inside the xml textview properties using the above codes. Hope this helps