ViewPager2 default position ViewPager2 default position android android

ViewPager2 default position

I think an easier more reliable fix is to defer to next run cycle instead of unsecure delay e.g {  viewPager.setCurrentItem(1, true)}

setCurrentItem(int item, boolean smoothScroll) works correctly in ViewPager but in ViewPager2 it does not work as expected. Finally, I faced this problem by adding setCurrentItem(int item, boolean smoothScroll) method into a delay like this:

Handler().postDelayed({     view.viewPager.setCurrentItem(startPosition, false)}, 100)

Do not use timers, you will run into a lot of probable states in which the user has a slow phone and it actually takes a lot longer than 100 ms to run, also, you wouldn't want too slow of a timer making it ridiculously un-reliable.

Below we do the following, we set a listener to our ViewTreeObserver and wait until a set number of children have been laid out in our ViewPager2's RecyclerView (it's inner working). Once we are sure x number of items have been laid out, we start our no-animation scroll to start at the position.

val recyclerView = (Your ViewPager2).getChildAt(0)recyclerView.apply {   val itemCount = adapter?.itemCount ?: 0   if(itemCount >= #(Position you want to scroll to)) {      viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(object: ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {      override fun onGlobalLayout() {         viewTreeObserver.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this)         // False for without animation scroll         (Your ViewPager2).scrollToPosition(#PositionToStartAt, false)      }   }}