What does this Google Play APK publish error message mean? What does this Google Play APK publish error message mean? android android

What does this Google Play APK publish error message mean?

This happened to me when I published two APKs (versions 3 and then 4) in a short space of time. Clicking "Deactivate" on the dropdown next to version 3 appeared to fix it.

My guess is that this is a very-poorly-worded error message meaning something like "your original APK hasn't been published to all the update servers yet, so some of them may miss that version entirely". But it's a bit of a guess.

For some reason when you upload a new APK without immediately clicking "publish" (you probably clicked save draft the first time), Google thinks you want to publish BOTH apk at the same time.

This is usually needed when you have multiple APK for different configuration (say: a version for android 2.x and another for 3+ or a version for tablet and another for handset etc...)

However in your case you are just uploading an upgrade and you want it to replace your previous APK.

To solve:

  1. Click on the Switch to Advanced Mode on the top right
  2. Click on Action -> Move on the OLD APK and choose "Deactivate"
  3. The error should go away and you should see your OLD apk in "OTHER APKS" and the new one ready to be published.
  4. Just click Publish to make your change effective and wait for them to propagate.

The Google warning is missleading.Hope this clarify it.

I have solved the same problem with my app. I must upload from version 1.0 to the version 2.0.- I have uploaded the v2.0 in Beta.- When it was uploaded, I have DEACTIVATED the v1.0 in the PROD.- Next step was to MOVE the v2.0 to PROD from the BETA.- Then, the PUBLISH button was activated to finish the process.I hope it helps.!