What is the best way to detect websocket support using Javascript? What is the best way to detect websocket support using Javascript? android android

What is the best way to detect websocket support using Javascript?

This is the shortest solution and is used by Modernizr. Simply add this to your code

supportsWebSockets = 'WebSocket' in window || 'MozWebSocket' in window;

then you can use it by running

if (supportsWebSockets) {     // run web socket code}

I think the Modernizr library is what you are looking for: http://modernizr.com/

Once you include the library on your page, you can use a simple check like:

if(Modernizr.websockets){    // socket to me baby}

after reading @gzost's response.. I started tinkering.. since nothing else can properly detect WS's on my android phone... even websocket.org says i have it, but then fails to connect.

Anyways, try this workaround.. seems to properly detect it on/off with chrome, FF, safari and the default android browser.

var has_ws=0;function checkWebSocket(){  try{    websocket = new WebSocket("ws:websocket.org");    websocket.close('');  }catch(e){ //throws code 15 if has socket to me babies    has_ws=1;  }}$(document).ready(function(){  checkWebSocket();});