When will the application receive a install_referrer with content utm_source=(not%20set)&utm_medium=(not%20set)? When will the application receive a install_referrer with content utm_source=(not%20set)&utm_medium=(not%20set)? android android

When will the application receive a install_referrer with content utm_source=(not%20set)&utm_medium=(not%20set)?

Google play store checks all the mail accounts which are logged into Google play and if you are logged in with work email (enterprise domain email id)it sets the UTM property as utm_source=(not%20set)&utm_medium=(not%20set).

So try removing work email from google play store and verify.

Use Google Play URL Builder to generate campaign URL.

It's worked for me

The documentation states that it only occurs when you use the deeplink (http) to the play store:

For a deep link into Google Play where the referrer parameter is not present or empty, the referrer value provided is:


For instance:


Documentation here: https://developers.google.com/app-conversion-tracking/third-party-trackers/android

Your URL needs to have a "referrer" parameter, and encode your referrer in there. An example is


You can try to use this https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/campaigns to create examples.