WorkManager vs AlarmManager, what to use depending on the case WorkManager vs AlarmManager, what to use depending on the case android android

WorkManager vs AlarmManager, what to use depending on the case

Should I use AlarmManager directly for this ?

Yes you should. AlarmManager is the best option as far as I know to handle tasks like yours and also is the safer option when dealing with doze mode. Use the first alarm to set the second alarm at a specific time.

Should I use WorkManager to get the time when I need to alarm and than use AlarmManager ?

If you want to use this approach you need to call AlarmManager and dispatch a Worker on WorkManager. The WorkManager need to run before a specific time and is not guaranteed that the Worker finish or will be executed before 4.30.

The reason why I am confused is because some blogs I have read say that is better to stick to AlarmManager if I have some work at a specific time, but still, I can do it with WorkManager

WorkManager doesn't guarantee the time of execution. It probably can do this in the future.

Should I just use WorkManager ?

No, for the reasons expressed before.Android-Job is the short term response of your use case if you wanna use a job scheduler. Also you can see a table of features and differences if you go to the link.

Edit 17/03/2020:Android-Job is deprecated.