Writing a file to sdcard Writing a file to sdcard android android

Writing a file to sdcard

//------------------------------WRITING DATA TO THE FILE ---------------------------------      btnWriteSDFile.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()     {    public void onClick(View v)    {               try {            File myFile = new File("/sdcard/mysdfile.txt");            myFile.createNewFile();            FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(myFile);            OutputStreamWriter myOutWriter =new OutputStreamWriter(fOut);            myOutWriter.append(txtData.getText());            myOutWriter.close();            fOut.close();            Toast.makeText(v.getContext(),"Done writing SD 'mysdfile.txt'", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();            txtData.setText("");        }         catch (Exception e)         {            Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), e.getMessage(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();        }    }    }); //---------------------------READING DATA FROM THE FILE PLACED IN SDCARD-------------------//               btnReadSDFile.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()        {        public void onClick(View v)         {        try {            File myFile = new File("/sdcard/mysdfile.txt");            FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(myFile);            BufferedReader myReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fIn));            String aDataRow = "";            String aBuffer = "";            while ((aDataRow = myReader.readLine()) != null)             {                aBuffer += aDataRow ;            }            txtData.setText(aBuffer);            myReader.close();            Toast.makeText(v.getContext(),"Done reading SD 'mysdfile.txt'",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();        }         catch (Exception e)        {            Toast.makeText(v.getContext(), e.getMessage(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();        }        }        }); 


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

The openFileOutput() method writes data to your application's private data area (not the SD card), so that's probably not what you want. You should be able to call Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() to get the root path to the SD card and use that to create a FileOutputStream. From there, just use the standard java.io routines.

Here is a sample:

// Log used as debugFile log = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "Log.txt");try {    out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(log.getAbsolutePath(), false));    out.write(new Date().toString());    out.write(" : \n");} catch (Exception e) {    Log.e(TAG, "Error opening Log.", e);}