Writing EXIF metadata to images in Android Writing EXIF metadata to images in Android android android

Writing EXIF metadata to images in Android

Ok, Somebody (offline) pointed me to a useful resource. The ExifInterface looks like what I was searching for. Android-er has a post demonstrating how to read EXIF metadata in Android and I think writing should not be very different.

I don't know, but can we EXIF to write arbitrary metadata, ie. other than those specified in the ExifInterface documentation (like latitude, longitude, flash etc). If not, what could be a preferred method of writing arbitrary metadata to image files?


public static void writeFile (File photo, double latitude, double longitude) throws IOException{    ExifInterface exif = null;    try{        Log.v("latiDouble", ""+latitude);        Log.v("longiDouble", ""+longitude);        exif = new ExifInterface(photo.getCanonicalPath());        if (exif != null) {             double latitu = latitude;            double longitu = longitude;            double alat = Math.abs(latitu);            double along = Math.abs(longitu);            String stringLati = convertDoubleIntoDegree(alat);            String stringLongi = convertDoubleIntoDegree(along);            exif.setAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE, stringLati);            exif.setAttribute(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE, stringLongi);            Log.v("latiString", ""+ stringLati);            Log.v("longiString", ""+ stringLongi);            exif.saveAttributes();            String lati = exif.getAttribute (ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE);            String longi = exif.getAttribute (ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE);            Log.v("latiResult", ""+ lati);            Log.v("longiResult", ""+ longi);        }     } catch (IOException e) {        // TODO Auto-generated catch block        e.printStackTrace();    }}

I copied the answer from here