You are not logged in. Please log in and try again You are not logged in. Please log in and try again android android

You are not logged in. Please log in and try again

I had the exact same problem which popped up last few days or so. I fixed it by generating the respective platforms in the app's settings. Note that I only had the general settings before and it worked, but something probably been changed recently.

  1. Go to he settings section of your app in Facebook (Facebook developers > My Apps then Settings)
  2. Under the Basics make sure you have the respective platform. If you do and it is still not working, then remove and recreate it. Otherwise, click on [+ Add Platform] and follow the instructions. For example, for Android you need to provide:a) Your package idb) Your launcher activity full namec) Key hash - which you need to generate as per instructions using keytool and openssl

good luck!

I have solved this by using replace the redirect URL: http://localhost/callback

For more info visit:

well, in my case i have not made the app public .go to app review part of your app and turn "Make your app public?" to yes .try it worked for me