Angular 2 form validation, minLength validator is not working Angular 2 form validation, minLength validator is not working angular angular

Angular 2 form validation, minLength validator is not working

The error key is minlength and not minLength:

<div *ngIf = "password.hasError('minlength') && !password.hasError('required')" class = "alert alert-danger">  <span>Password should contain 6 characters</span></div>  

This really caught me out as well as I matched the key in my markup to what I had in code which is incorrect.

Sample Code

password1: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(8)]],

Sample Markup


Note in the code it's minlength entirely in lower case.

I was facing the same issue but after so many research I got a solution with this,Please use minlength insted of minLengthHere is the example.

<div *ngIf = "password.errors.minlength && !password.errors.required" class = "alert alert-danger">      <span>Password should contain 6 characters</span>    </div> 

Instead of

<div *ngIf = "password.errors.minLength && !password.errors.required" class = "alert alert-danger">  <span>Password should contain 6 characters</span></div> 

Hope this will help someone, Thanks