Angular 2: Reduce app size (in addition to bundling/minification) Angular 2: Reduce app size (in addition to bundling/minification) angular angular

Angular 2: Reduce app size (in addition to bundling/minification)

Now that Angular 2 has gone 2.0.0, there's documentation on Ahead of Time compilation of Angular apps (i.e., from TypeScript + HTML templates to Javascript).

Compilation removes the (template) compiler from Angular 2, reducing the Angular 2 payload by half.

As mentioned by Gunter Zochbauer, tree-shaking with rollup is supported, bringing the bundle size down further.

Tree shaking is now supported for production bundling in the Angular CLI, with AoT compilation support also in development.

With a ng-cli@1.0.0-beta.17 new project without any changes:

ng build --prod:

3.9K styles.b52d2076048963e7cbfd.bundle.js183K main.8b778eea5dd35968ef66.bundle.js.gz805K main.8b778eea5dd35968ef66.bundle.js

ng build --prod --aot:

3.9K styles.b52d2076048963e7cbfd.bundle.js99K  main.a2eb733289ef46cb798c.bundle.js.gz452K main.a2eb733289ef46cb798c.bundle.js

Meaning a basic, working app is now at < 100 KB with AoT compilation, minification, tree-shaking, and gzipping.

I use for page/css/scripts size checking as they are received from server after a process .

First of all use "gzip" on your server side, before using gzip => 3mb , after gzip 560kb

Secondly ,use this command for your build , "ng build -e=prod --prod --no-sourcemap --aot"

when using "ng build" page size => 560kb ,after using "ng build -e=prod --prod --no-sourcemap --aot" page size => 227kb

I was working on MEAN stack , these helped alot in reducing page size Hope it helps