Angular 4 date pipe displays wrong date because of time zones - how to fix this? Angular 4 date pipe displays wrong date because of time zones - how to fix this? angular angular

Angular 4 date pipe displays wrong date because of time zones - how to fix this?

Behind the scenes, DatePipe uses locale to display date in user's timezone. Try with client's timezone data:

1931-05-31T00:00:00.000-0300 instead of 1931-05-31T00:00:00.000+0000.

You can get client's offset in minutes using (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset()

This is actually the known issue/limitation of DatePipe. Community is aware of it. It the future, you will be able to specify timezone as one of parameters ({{ value | date:format:zone }}).

Here is the issue on github:

For more advanced date manipulations, I recommend moment.js (less headaches, better consistency, less testing, simpler maintaining).

EDIT: It has been added:

date_expression | date[:format[:timezone[:locale]]]


for angular 5 and up , you can try to add timezone in pipe,

By default it takes the local timezone of user machine

and you can specify it in minutes for example for GMT-2, timezone: '-120'

{{ competition.compStart | date: 'short' : '-120'}}

I also faced the same problem.before saving data convert the date format to the one used in service.For example in my case in Java it was 'YYYY-MM-DD'.So in angular just before saving all the data:where birthdate is binded to your template field or is simply displayed.

this.birthdate= this.datePipe.transform(birthDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd');where birthdate is not a date object but a string date.

Now, when you need to show the date on the UI use:

                let dd = (new Date(data.birthDate)).getUTCDate().toString();                let mm = ((new Date(data.birthDate)).getMonth()).toString();                let yy = (new Date(data.birthDate)).getFullYear().toString();                this.birthDate = new Date(Number(yy), Number(mm), Number(dd));