Angular 6 Date Pipe not showing anything on iPhone safari browser Angular 6 Date Pipe not showing anything on iPhone safari browser angular angular

Angular 6 Date Pipe not showing anything on iPhone safari browser

UPDATE:ah yes, the issue is with ios device only, you need to either use a custom pipe or convert the date to a date object. you can use moment but heres a custom pipe

<span>{{race.race_date | dateTimeFormatFilter : "MMM DD, YYYY"}}</span>@Pipe({name: "dateTimeFormatFilter"})@Injectable()export class DateTimeFormatPipe implements PipeTransform {transform(date: any, format: string): any {    if (date) {     return moment(date).format(format);    }  }}

I ran into the same issue. I don't know how much local settings affect it, but here's what I have found.

The correct date format that works for me looks like this:


I had problem with format "2021-11-25 09:08:28" so all I did is replace space with a 'T'.

In angular it looks like this:

{{ "2021-11-25 09:08:28".replace(' ', 'T') | date: 'dd.MM.' }} 

As far as I know the date format after pipe, in my case 'dd.MM.', doesn't have affect on the problem. This format type also works in Chrome.