Angular 6 HttpErrorResponse on POST with 200 status Angular 6 HttpErrorResponse on POST with 200 status angular angular

Angular 6 HttpErrorResponse on POST with 200 status

By default, the Angular HttpClient tries to parse the body of the HTTP response as JSON.Since the response body that you are receiving is plain text, e.g. "Bearer .....", and not JSON, the JSON parse is failing.

You need to tell the HttpClient to expect a plain text response, like this: + '/login', user, {headers:reqHeader, responseType: 'text'});

Also note that since the response is a string, you should not be trying to cast it to a User (don't do the <User> bit); The outgoing message is the User, the return value is a string.

In Angular 11+ use httpOptions = {responseType: 'text' as const,}

i have the same error

you must change the response from json to text

datatype by default is JSON

this way make new error in observable and the solution of this case + '/login', user, {headers:reqHeader, responseType: 'text'});

in a above way i think will make new error because observable and the solution in this case

ERROR in src/app/myS.service.ts(24,54): error TS2322: Type '"text"' is not assignable to type '"json"'

you must use this pattern to solution it

    returnObservable(): Observable<any> {  const requestOptions: Object = {    /* other options here */    headers:reqHeader    responseType: 'text'  }  return this.http.get<any>(url, body, requestOptions);}