Angular 7 PWA configure Push Notifications Angular 7 PWA configure Push Notifications angular angular

Angular 7 PWA configure Push Notifications

After lots of struggle I found something and will share it for others:

Digging into the ngsw-worker.js that is created by running build --prod there is this function:

onPush(msg) {    // Push notifications without data have no effect.    if (! {        return;    }    // Handle the push and keep the SW alive until it's handled.    msg.waitUntil(this.handlePush(;}...handlePush(data) {    return __awaiter$5(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {            yield this.broadcast({                type: 'PUSH',                data,            });            if (!data.notification || !data.notification.title) {                return;            }            const desc = data.notification;            let options = {};            NOTIFICATION_OPTION_NAMES.filter(name => desc.hasOwnProperty(name))                .forEach(name => options[name] = desc[name]);            yield this.scope.registration.showNotification(desc['title'], options);    });}

As it looks like angular subscribes and shows the notification for you, it is not necessary to subscribe and show it in your own code.I had an issue with my sending library ( that was sending the payload like this:

payload = {"title":"test","actions":[{"title":"View App","action":"view_app"}],"body":"test","icon":"\/icon.png","data":{"id":"21a3804e-6d71-4a56-b513-535709c37c0f"}}

but angular expects obviously something like:

payload = {    "notification":{"title":"test","actions":[{"title":"View App","action":"view_app"}],"body":"test","icon":"\/icon.png","data":{"id":"21a3804e-6d71-4a56-b513-535709c37c0f"}}}

which caused this line in ngsw-worker.js to fail:

if (!data.notification || !data.notification.title) {    return;}

Therefor, no notification was shown, but the browser reported an update in the background. Hope this helps someone.

Is there a way to handle click events on the notifications?

Try this:

this.swPush.notificationClicks.subscribe(data => {    // handle click})