Angular 9 introduced a global '$localize()' function that needs to be loaded Angular 9 introduced a global '$localize()' function that needs to be loaded angular angular

Angular 9 introduced a global '$localize()' function that needs to be loaded

You need to make sure you have the @angular/localize package first:

npm install @angular/localize --save

Then, import '@angular/localize/init' in your polyfills.ts file just like the error says

The best way if you are using Angular CLI is to run

ng add @angular/localize

It will take care of it automatically

Or else

import '@angular/localize/init'; to your polyfills.ts

Tested with Angular 9

If you have many angular projects in same workspace, running ng add @angular/localizewill add import statement import '@angular/localize/init'to polyfills.ts in default Project only,i think this will be fixed in later updates.

so you need to add import '@angular/localize/init' manually to polyfills.ts in other projects.