Angular Async HTTP requests not being send asynchronously Angular Async HTTP requests not being send asynchronously angular angular

Angular Async HTTP requests not being send asynchronously

In your example you're requesting the same resource multiple times.

Chrome caches the response and uses a cache locking mechanism that checks the cache before sending the next request for the same resource.

The cache implements a single writer - multiple reader lock so that only one network request for the same resource is in flight at any given time.

Note that the existence of the cache lock means that no bandwidth is wasted re-fetching the same resource simultaneously. On the other hand, it forces requests to wait until a previous request finishes downloading a resource (the Writer) before they can start reading from it, which is particularly troublesome for long lived requests. Simply bypassing the cache for subsequent requests is not a viable solution as it will introduce consistency problems when a renderer experiences the effect of going back in time, as in receiving a version of the resource that is older than a version that it already received (but which skipped the browser cache).

You should see the requests being send simultaneously if you disable the cache in the developer tools.

You could also add some unique number to the query string of every url:

this.TEMP_URL + '?unique=<yourUniqueNumber>'

Your code is fine, the problem comes directly from Chrome. By inspecting the requests you can see that they are stalled / queued. If you do the same inspection in another browser (Firefox), you will see that the requests are made in asynchronous way without being queued.

Queued or Stalled Requests

Too many requests are being made on a single domain. On HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 connections, Chrome allows a maximum of six simultaneous TCP connections per host.

Bear in mind that being behind the proxy will lower the number of maximum simultaneous requests - this means that you will probably get stalled requests even with two requests.

The bad thing is that you won't be able to fix this by editing your Angular code. The possible fixes only include network setting modifications:

  • Implement domain sharding if you must use HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1
  • Use HTTP/2. Don't use domain sharding with HTTP/2.
  • Remove or deferunnecessary requests so that critical requests can download earlier