Angular CLI Generate Library with SASS Angular CLI Generate Library with SASS angular angular

Angular CLI Generate Library with SASS

You can fix it by overriding schematics for your project in your angular.json like in the example below:

"example": {    "root": "projects/example",    "sourceRoot": "projects/example/src",    "projectType": "library",    "prefix": "exam",    "schematics": {      "@schematics/angular:component": {        "styleext": "scss"      }    }, ....}

or you can set this value via angular-cli like so:

ng config schematics.@schematics/angular:component.styleext scss

After that try to generate component, it should have scss extension.

EDIT (replace styleExt with style):

As per this closed ticket with new version of Angular CLI styleExt has been replaced with style - I tested it in two libraries that are using Angular anf Angular CLI versions 8.