angular.element alternative from Angular 2 onwards angular.element alternative from Angular 2 onwards angular angular

angular.element alternative from Angular 2 onwards

There are couple of ways to do this:


import Document in your component like this:

import {DOCUMENT} from '@angular/platform-browser';

inject it in the constructor like this:

constructor(@Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: any) {  }

and use it to append the data like this inside any function:

ngOnInit() {    let css = ".toolbar-background {background-color: #D3300E !important;}";    this.document.body.innerHTML.append = this.document.body.innerHTML + "<div><style>" + css + "</style></div>";  }

here is the working plunker:

USING ElementRef

Import ElementRef and ViewChild in component like this:

import {ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

In your html define the div in which you want to append data like:

<div #styleDiv></div>

Access above div using ViewChild like this:

 @ViewChild('styleDiv') styleDiv:ElementRef;

and perform the required append like this:

let css = "h2 {color: green;font-size:14px;}";let tmp = "<style>" + css + "</style>";this.styleDiv.nativeElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',tmp);

here is the working plunker using ViewChild and ElementRef:

you can use ElementRef and append css.

constructor(myElement: ElementRef) { ... }