Angular file upload progress percentage [duplicate] Angular file upload progress percentage [duplicate] angular angular

Angular file upload progress percentage [duplicate]

This works in Angular 9 and 10 (note observe: 'events')

const headers = new HttpHeaders({        'Content-Type': 'application/json',        Accept: 'application/json',        Authorization: token      }))const formData = new FormData();formData.append('file_param_name', file,;, formData, {    headers,    reportProgress: true,    observe: 'events'}).subscribe(resp => {    if (resp.type === HttpEventType.Response) {        console.log('Upload complete');    }    if (resp.type === HttpEventType.UploadProgress) {        const percentDone = Math.round(100 * resp.loaded /;        console.log('Progress ' + percentDone + '%');    } });

uploadDocument(file) {    return, file, { reportProgress: true, observe: 'events' })}

You can easily achieve this with:

npm i angular-progress-http

After importing the module, you can now add below it to your app.module.ts or wherever you stack your app modules in your application.

You will import this (in app.module.ts):

import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';import { ProgressHttpModule } from 'angular-progress-http';

Still in your app.module.ts

at @NgModule

@NgModule({  imports: [    HttpModule,    ProgressHttpModule  ]})

Then in your component file (whatever.component.ts), where you want to use it. You can place this:

import { ProgressHttp } from 'angular-progress-http';

Then implement like this:

constructor(private http: ProgressHttp) {}    onSubmit(): void {        const _formData = new FormData();        _formData.append('title', this.title);        _formData.append('doc', this.doc);        this.http.withUploadProgressListener(progress => { console.log(`Uploading ${progress.percentage}%`); })        .withDownloadProgressListener(progress => { console.log(`Downloading ${progress.percentage}%`); })        .post('youruploadurl', _formData)        .subscribe((response) => {            console.log(response);        });    }