Angular - Observable with async pipe used multiple times in template... Good Practice or Bad? Angular - Observable with async pipe used multiple times in template... Good Practice or Bad? angular angular

Angular - Observable with async pipe used multiple times in template... Good Practice or Bad?

Using the async pipe makes handling subscriptions much easier. It automatically handles unsubscribing unlike subscribing in the component.

That said, there is a better pattern than what the example is showing. Rather than having multiple async calls on components, you can write it 2 different ways. I'm assuming these components are in the same template file:

    <div *ngIf="(myObservable$ | async) as myObservable">      <my-random-component [id]="">      <my-random-component2 [name]="">    </div>

Wrapping the code in ngIf does 2 things:

  • It cuts down on duplicate code
  • The components do not exist until myObservable$ is ready

There's also one more idea if you want to stick with calling async every single time:

    // COMPONENT    name$: Observable<string>;    id$: Observable<string>;        ngOnInit() {        // Return the exact value you want rather than the full object  $ = OBSERVABLE_SOURCE        .pipe(            map(res =>        );  $ = OBSERVABLE_SOURCE        .pipe(            map(res =>        );    }
    // TEMPLATE    <my-random-component [id]="(id$ | async)">    <my-random-component2 [name]="(name$ | async)">

Pipes do not automatically run without a subscription. You can map, tap, or do anything else you want with it and it will not run until you add async/.subscribe().

If you have multiple observables, you could wrap your entire page in a div that collects all the observables into a data object and then use them as needed :

<div *ngIf="{  observable1: myObservable1$ | async,  observable2: myObservable2$ | async} as data">  ... page content  {{}}: {{}}  {{data.observable2.status}}</div>

Note: the *ngIf="{ ... }" is always true.

Credit goes to:

You can just use share() to use the same observable and call it multiple times from html. Like this:

this.myObservable$ = this.anotherObservable$.pipe(share());

Then no matter how many times you call the observable from the HTML, it is called only once.