Angular tests failing with Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest' Angular tests failing with Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest' angular angular

Angular tests failing with Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest'

This is a problem of the new Angular Cli. Run your test with --sourcemaps=false and you will get the right error messages.

See details here:


Shorthand for this is:

ng test -sm=false

As of angular 6 the command is:

ng test --source-map=false

I had the same issue using angualar cli 6, I have used this tag to get the right error message :

ng test --source-map=false

Maybe it will help someone :) .

For my case there was a mock data problem and in case of Array, I was returning string from the mock.

someApi = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(SomeApi);spyOn(someApi, 'someMethod')  .and.returnValue(Observable.of('this is not a string but array'));

The error message is really distracting and was not telling the actual error. Running ng test --source=false pointed the correct error and line, and helped me to fix it quickly.

Many time it happens when you mock data is incomplete or incorrect.