Angular2 - catch/subscribe to (click) event in dynamically added HTML Angular2 - catch/subscribe to (click) event in dynamically added HTML angular angular

Angular2 - catch/subscribe to (click) event in dynamically added HTML

Declarative event binding is only supported in static HTML in a components template.
If you want to subscribe to events of elements dynamically added, you need to do it imperatively.


or similar.

If you want to be WebWorker-safe, you can inject the Renderer

constructor(private elementRef:ElementRef, private renderer:Renderer) {}

and use instead

this.renderer.listen(this.elementRef.nativeElement, 'click', (event) => { handleClick(event);});

to register an event handler.

see also Dynamically add event listener in Angular 2

I had problems importing ElementRef in my service and did not want to pass Renderer reference there. This Service is about showing 'Loading...' dialog where after 3 seconds dynamic close button is attached. I found solution how to add click event for this button using jQuery. Hopefully this helps someone.

(1) Add jQuery to Angular 2 index.html file

<script src=""></script>

enter image description here

(2) Declare $

declare var $: any;

enter image description here

(3) Use jQueryThis is piece of code from my service:

 public async present() {    this.isLoading = true;    return await this.loadingController.create({message: 'Loading...'}).then(a => {      a.present().then(() => {        setTimeout(() => {          a.message += '<ion-icon name="close-circle" class="alert-cancel-button"></ion-icon>';          // Here starts jQuery usage          $(a).click((clickedObject) => {            if ($('alert-cancel-button')) {              this.dismiss();            }          });        }, 3000);      });    });  }  public async dismiss() {    return await this.loadingController.dismiss();  }
  • By the way $('alert-cancel-button').click(() => this.dismiss()) didn't work.