Angular2 Inject ElementRef in unit test Angular2 Inject ElementRef in unit test angular angular

Angular2 Inject ElementRef in unit test

I encounter Can't resolve all parameters for ElementRef: (?) Error using the mock from @gilad-s in angular 2.4

Modified the mock class to:

export class MockElementRef extends ElementRef {  constructor() { super(null); }}

resolves the test error.

Reading from the angular source code here: elementRef of the fixture is not created from the mock injection. And in normal development, we do not explicitly provide ElementRef when injecting to a component. I think TestBed should allow the same behaviour.

On Angular 2.2.3:

export class MockElementRef extends ElementRef {}

Then in the test:

beforeEach(async(() => {  TestBed.configureTestingModule({    providers: [      //more providers      { provide: ElementRef, useClass: MockElementRef }    ]  }).compileComponents();}));

To inject an ElementRef:

  1. Create a mock
class MockElementRef implements ElementRef {  nativeElement = {};}
  1. Provide the mock to the component under test
beforeEachProviders(() => [Component, provide(ElementRef, { useValue: new MockElementRef() })]);

EDIT: This was working on rc4. Final release introduced breaking changes and invalidates this answer.