Angular2 lazy loading module error 'cannot find module' Angular2 lazy loading module error 'cannot find module' angular angular

Angular2 lazy loading module error 'cannot find module'

restarting ng serve worked for me

For newer Angular versions (10+?) lazy loading is done using the following syntax:

{ path: "foos", loadChildren: () => import ("./foos/foo.module").then(m => m.FooModule) },

I met a similar issue when working with Angular 4.4.5 and webpack and managed to fix it without using strings, but module type reference (much easier to write and less error prone):

const routes: Routes = [  { path: '', loadChildren: () => TestModule }];

I could not find the minimum version for Angular (loader) the supports this syntax.

A way that might work with AOT is to replace lambda syntax with a regular one:

export function getTestModule() { return TestModule; }const routes: Routes = [  { path: '', loadChildren: getTestModule }];

Also check this issue (thanks to rey_coder).

I have faced this same issue. I solved it by doing following 2 things:

In root module's route configuration, use loadChildren with a relative path to the lazy loaded angular module. The string is delimited with a # where the right side of split is the lazy loaded module's class name.

I have added ./ as prefix to the loadChildren string.

{ path:'user', loadChildren:'./app/user/user.module#UserModule'}

I am using webpack 2 and it needs a loader for Angular 2 that enables string-based module loading with the Angular Router. Add this to the project

yarn add angular-router-loader -D

then add the angular-router-loader to typescript loaders

loaders: [  {    test: /\.ts$/,    loaders: [    'awesome-typescript-loader',    'angular-router-loader'    ]  }]

and its working for me.