Angular2 n - getting invalid argument [object Object] ... for pipe 'AsyncPipe' Angular2 n - getting invalid argument [object Object] ... for pipe 'AsyncPipe' angular angular

Angular2 n - getting invalid argument [object Object] ... for pipe 'AsyncPipe'

Async pipe needs an Observable rather then an Array.

In your case just try to remove async:

<tbody *ngFor="let product of products">

Also change variable definition:

public products:Array<Product> = [];

Explanation:array | async does subscribe by itself.

The code

this.productService.load().subscribe(  data => {    // Set the products Array    this.products = data['_embedded'].products;  },...

transforms an Observable to Array of Products

Update: This already works in async manner: since products is an empty array, ngFor doesn't run. When Observable gets a response and populates data into products, a change detection round takes place and goes through ngFor again (now populating products)

Another weird thing I've noticed (I could be wrong):

ngFor very like should be on tr:

<tbody>   <tr *ngFor="let product of products | async">   ...   </tr></tbody>

In this case you'll have multiple rows and just one tbody