Angular2 router appends component instead of replacing it Angular2 router appends component instead of replacing it angular angular

Angular2 router appends component instead of replacing it

By using the method of elimination, I found out that the culprit of the issue was the BrowserAnimations module in my app.module.ts. By removing it from my imports it the problem went away. I'll look into creating a Plunker to demonstrate it.

Update:This is described in this Github issue.

Update 2017-12-13:This has now been fixed with this PR, fix(animations): properly recover and cleanup DOM when CD failures occur.

This happens also when component A is throwing an error, so when navigating to Component B, Component A could not be destroyed due to the error. This is a bug with Angular. Until they fix, find the cause of the error being thrown and fix it. Check your dev tools console.

I had a very similar issue, also using Firebase.

See the components being appended to router outlet

However, I found that the issue was coming from an error within one of my components, not related to my routing. One of the components had a reference to a "FormsArray", which was not used and malformed. It threw errors in the devtools console, but I didn't think of checking there, since everything was compiling fine.

Not sure if that will help anybody.