AngularJS equivalent for Angular ng-container AngularJS equivalent for Angular ng-container angular angular

AngularJS equivalent for Angular ng-container

In cases you have mentioned, you can use ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end pair, respectively:

  1. Tables with interlaced pairs, triples etc. of cells:

    <table><tr>  <td ng-repeat-start="item in items">{{ item.a }}</td>  <td ng-repeat-end>{{ item.b }}</td></tr></table>
  2. HTML lists:

    <dl>  <dt ng-repeat-start="item in items">{{ item.term }}</dt>  <dd ng-repeat-end>{{ item.definition }}</dd></dl>
  3. Table-like arrangement of data with display:grid:

    <div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto auto">  <div ng-repeat-start="item in items">{{ item.a }}</div>  <div>{{ item.b }}</div>  <div ng-repeat-end>{{ item.c }}</div></div>

You can read about this in API reference:

Unfortunately in AngularJS ng-repeat, ng-if, etc must be used on an HTML element that will be present in the markup. Depending on the exact use-case you could try using an element directive with replace: true.

You can use the same ng-container in both Angularjs and Angular-2 as well. But in angular-2 have an additional option is ng-template which is act as ng-container