bind #element to element created with *ngFor bind #element to element created with *ngFor angular angular

bind #element to element created with *ngFor

There is no way to add a template variable selectively,but you can add a marker selectively and then filter by that:

<div #elReference []="el.x == 'foo' ? true : null" *ngFor="let el of elements> HEHE </div>
@ViewChildren("elReference") elReference: QueryList<ElementRef>;ngAfterViewInit() {  console.log(this.elReference.toArray()      .filter(r => r.nativeElement.hasAttribute('foo')));}

There is a more complicated, but more correct way with a directive.

<!-- app.component.html --><div *ngFor="let el of elements" [id]=""> HEHE </div>
// div-id.directive.tsimport { Directive, Input, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';@Directive({  selector: 'div[id]',})export class DivIdDirective {  @Input() id: number;  constructor(ref: ElementRef<HTMLDivElement>) {    this.el = ref.nativeElement;  }  el: HTMLDivElement;}
// app.component.tsexport class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {  // ...  @ViewChildren(DivIdDirective) els: QueryList<DivIdDirective>;  ngAfterViewInit(): void {    console.log({id, el}) => ({id, el}));  }}