Calling filter methods in row after the previous is finished Calling filter methods in row after the previous is finished angular angular

Calling filter methods in row after the previous is finished

you can use async/await as :

    fetchList(searchData) {        this.ratesTable.reset();        this.ratesDataSource = [];        this.programService.fetchList(searchData)          .then(            (response) => {                  this.ratesDataSource = response.rates;              await this.doTermFilter();              await this.doLoanFilter();            })          .catch((error) => {            console.error("from ts" + error);          });    }    async doTermFilter(){        this.doFilter({ filterValue: _termFilters, columnField: "COL1", filterMethod: "in" });    }    async doLoanFilter(){        this.doFilter({ filterValue: _loanFilters, columnField: "COL7", filterMethod: "in" });    }

Check out my answer to How to filter complex structured Json data in Angular 6 - I use the rxjs Observable pattern to implement a reactive/functional/declarative solution to filtering a table that I think matches your use case...? (it's difficult to tell without code)

This is filter method source code:

filter(value, field, matchMode) {    if(this.filterTimeout) {        clearTimeout(this.filterTimeout);    }    if (!this.isFilterBlank(value)) {        this.filters[field] = { value: value, matchMode: matchMode };    } else if (this.filters[field]) {        delete this.filters[field];    }    this.filterTimeout = setTimeout(() => {        this._filter();        this.filterTimeout = null;    }, this.filterDelay);}

You can see they are using timeouts and event is emitted only once, because previous timeout gets canceled, but overall situation is not clear without full example.
