Cloning objects TypeScript [duplicate] Cloning objects TypeScript [duplicate] angular angular

Cloning objects TypeScript [duplicate]

Try using

this.user = Object.assign({}, currentObject);

As mentioned by @AngularFrance, this will only work for shallow-copying objects, seek another implementation if there's a need to deep-copy an object.

You can use lodash :

lodash is recommended for lot of objects / array manipulations

You could bind your editor form to an empty User object, say editUser, instead of the selectedUser variable (which points to an element of your user collection). In your onUserSelected(event), you'd initialize editUser via cloning the mutable properties of the selected user objects. Upon submitting the edit form ((ngSubmit)="editSubmit()"), you replace the original properties in the selected user object in the user collection.

Something along the lines of:

editUser: User = new User();selectedId: number;selectedUser: User;onUserSelected(event) {    this.selectedId =;    this.selectedUser = this.users.filter(user => === this.selectedId)[0];    this.editUser = this.simpleClone(this.selectedUser);}editSubmit(event) {    this.selectedUser = this.simpleClone(this.editUser);}simpleClone(obj: any) {    return Object.assign({}, obj);}

The simpleClone implementation is not suitable for deep cloning, so if your User objects hold references to other objects, this should be turned into a proper cloning function.