Converting an existing angular 2 project to use angular CLI Converting an existing angular 2 project to use angular CLI angular angular

Converting an existing angular 2 project to use angular CLI

You should be able to run ng init and follow the prompts. Have a look at this issue if you need some guidance:

Edit (March 13, 2017):

ng-init was removed from the latest version of the angular cli.

So for now you'll need to resort to mimicking what it tried to accomplish. ie:

  1. Create a new angular projectng new myTemplate

  2. Copy relevant files to your existing project from your new myTemplate project:


Depending on the state of your existing application you may want to copy over way more or way less. I guess this is why the feature was removed from the CLI. There isn't really any way for it to know exactly what you want it to do.

ng init has been removed. What worked for me was to manually create a .angular-cli.json file in the root folder with the following keys:

 {    "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",    "project": {      "version": "1.0.0",      "name": "new-cli"    },    "apps": [      {        "root": "src",        "outDir": "dist",        "assets": [          "assets"        ],        "index": "index.html",        "main": "main.ts",        "polyfills": "polyfills.ts",        "prefix": "app",        "scripts": [],        "environmentSource": "environments/environment.ts"      }    ]  }

You will have to change values according to your setup of course.

ng init was removed from the latest version of the angular CLI but You can use yarn package manager to resolve all the dependencies.In order to use yarn, you have to install it first.

To install yarn in Ubuntu, enter the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn

For Windows you can download yarn installer fromhere .

After installing yarn, you can run the command yarn install in your project direcotry which will download all the dependencies of your project.

For additional information about yarn check official docs