day incorrect in angular material datepicker day incorrect in angular material datepicker angular angular

day incorrect in angular material datepicker

Two days ago, at, Silthus posted his workaround that overrides the MomentJsDataAdapter. I tried it and it worked as a charm from anywhere in the globe.

First he added a MomentUtcDateAdapter that extends MomentDateAdapter

import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';import { MAT_DATE_LOCALE } from '@angular/material';   import { MomentDateAdapter } from '@angular/material-moment-adapter';import { Moment } from 'moment';import * as moment from 'moment';@Injectable()export class MomentUtcDateAdapter extends MomentDateAdapter {  constructor(@Optional() @Inject(MAT_DATE_LOCALE) dateLocale: string) {    super(dateLocale);  }  createDate(year: number, month: number, date: number): Moment {    // Moment.js will create an invalid date if any of the components are out of bounds, but we    // explicitly check each case so we can throw more descriptive errors.    if (month < 0 || month > 11) {      throw Error(`Invalid month index "${month}". Month index has to be between 0 and 11.`);    }    if (date < 1) {      throw Error(`Invalid date "${date}". Date has to be greater than 0.`);    }    let result = moment.utc({ year, month, date }).locale(this.locale);    // If the result isn't valid, the date must have been out of bounds for this month.    if (!result.isValid()) {      throw Error(`Invalid date "${date}" for month with index "${month}".`);    }    return result;  }}

And then in the AppModule component, you have to do this:

providers: [    ...    { provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: 'en-GB' },    { provide: MAT_DATE_FORMATS, useValue: MAT_MOMENT_DATE_FORMATS },    { provide: DateAdapter, useClass: MomentUtcDateAdapter },    ...],

Just use option useUtc: true for MatMomentDateAdapter:

import { MatMomentDateModule, MAT_MOMENT_DATE_ADAPTER_OPTIONS } from '@angular/material-moment-adapter';@NgModule({  exports: [    MatMomentDateModule,    // ...  ],  providers: [    { provide: MAT_MOMENT_DATE_ADAPTER_OPTIONS, useValue: { useUtc: true } }  ],})export class CustomModule { }

Maybe it will be helpful for someone. It is my example method in which i erase TimeZone OffSet from component date

  addPriceListPeriod(priceListId: number, periodDateFrom: Date) {    let UTCDate = Date.UTC(periodDateFrom.getFullYear(), periodDateFrom.getMonth(), periodDateFrom.getDate()) - periodDateFrom.getTimezoneOffset();    periodDateFrom = new Date(UTCDate);    const tempObject = {      priceListId,      fromDate: periodDateFrom    }    return'PriceLists/addPriceListPeriod', tempObject);  }